Thursday, November 19, 2009

Change of Plans...

Sophie celebrated her 4th birthday on October 7th. We had been telling her all year that after she turned 4, her baby sister would be born. So you can imagine her confusion when we announced on the morning of September 30th that her baby sister was coming early. Sophie informed us that the baby COULDN'T come yet, because she was still 3 years old!

We told her that we had no choice, the baby was coming and she was going to become a big sister that day.

She stood pensive for a moment, processing this change of plans. Then she responded, "Ok, the baby can come today. But can I still have my party on Saturday?" Once we assured her that the party was still on, she became ecstatic about her new sister's imminent arrival!

Here are a few pics of our sweet Sophie at her big 4th birthday party...

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