Friday, December 12, 2008

All Aboard...

Last night Ally's school put on a Cultural Wonderland so we could experience how people from different cultures celebrate during this time of the year. It was lots of fun. We learned interesting things as we visited Europe and Africa. We also celebrated the Chinese New Year, tasted some interesting foods from the near east, and enjoyed homemade tortillas hot off the grill in Latin America.

We also had a chance to get on board the Polar Express. That was fun! They furnished us each with golden tickets, which were punched on the way in. Once we were seated, teachers decked out in pajamas brought us hot chocolate, and we listened to a dramatic reading of the Polar Express. On the way out, the kiddos were each given a sleigh bell necklace and a candy cane. Every aspect of it was very creatively done, and we had a great time!

We also got to hang out with Santa, and they even had a petting zoo! The girls had a fantastic time. And I was, once again, very impressed with Ally's school!

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