Friday, December 12, 2008

Sweet Moment

We have collected lots of fun books over the years about snow and Christmas. During this time of the year the girls and I look forward to cold afternoons after school when we snuggle up with hot chocolate and read some of these winter books together.

When Ally was little, her favorite of these books was a chunky little board book simply called "Merry Christmas!". We read it constantly, and she went to sleep with it every night. Recently I noticed this same book showing up in Sophie's bed at night. She "reads" it every night (she has it memorized), and I find it all over the house during the day. I thought it was sweet that the same book that had been Ally's favorite is now Sophie's favorite.

And then the other day we were overwhelmed with a moment of sweet nostalgia as we overheard this going on...

1 comment:

Kristen, pajama mama said...

how sweet! it is fascinating what books resonate with kids more than others-and then to become special to both girls-how fun!
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